
15 September 2023 News

Hydrogen filling stations rely on F-gas refrigerants for process cooling and circulation chillers

A leading temperature control specialist recently announced the supply of another 36 equipment sets to a European producer of hydrogen filling stations. Each set consists of a process cooling unit, re...
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15 September 2023 News

VDKF reports 1.12% average leakage rates from all plant types in 2022

In its current "Analysis of Refrigerant Emissions", the VDKF (Association of German Refrigeration-Air Conditioning Specialists) has evaluated information from over 238,000 refrigeration and air condit...
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15 September 2023 News

Orgalim position and recommendations on proposed PFAS restriction

Orgalim represents Europe’s technology industries, comprised of 770,000 innovative companies from the EU’s largest manufacturing sector.  In its position paper, Orgalim states that Europe’s tec...
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15 September 2023 News

German industry groups: PFAS exemptions for F-gases required for refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps

In response to the PFAS restriction proposal, seven organisations representing the entire value chain of the German refrigeration and air conditioning industry – trade, plant engineering, manufactur...
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15 September 2023 News

EFCTC prepares comprehensive response to PFAS restriction proposal

The wide scope of PFAS properties, their applications and use patterns inevitably resulted in the PFAS restriction proposal missing important technical information. EFCTC has prepared a comprehensive...
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27 July 2023 News


SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 – AFCE Symposium – Courbevoie, France Revision of F-Gas, REPower-EU... Busy program at the AFCE symposium ( SEPTEMBER 27-28, 2023 – European Heat Pump...
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27 July 2023 News

A review of current understanding of HFC-23 emissions and contributing source processes

A side event (5th July 2023) at the Montreal Protocol 45th OEWG meeting in Bangkok presented new data on the atmospheric measurements of HFC-23 and sources of HFC-23 by-production and emissions.  The...
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27 July 2023 News

HFO-1234ze(E) used in Ireland’s First Low-Carbon District Heating Network

Ireland’s first low-carbon district heating network located in Tallaght, Dublin, is using a heat pump system with HFO-1234ze(E) as refrigerant. The system utilises waste heat from a nearby Amazo...
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27 July 2023 News

Effects of atmospheric degradation products from ultra-low GWP refrigerants

Ultra-low GWP (< 30) refrigerants include HFOs, HCFOs and hydrocarbons. The atmospheric breakdown and environmental effects of their intermediate and final breakdown products are summarised, inclu...
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27 July 2023 News

Photochemical Ozone Creation Potentials (POCPs) for ultra-low GWP refrigerants

The photochemistry of ultra-low GWP (<30) refrigerants (HFOs, HCFOs and hydrocarbons) could impact air quality through formation of tropospheric ozone (O3) on urban or regional scales. In contrast...
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27 July 2023 News

2022: HFCs contribute 1.27% to climate warming influence of greenhouse gases

The US NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has released its 2022 update of the AGGI (Annual Greenhouse Gas Index), which follows the evolution of the radiative forcing (ability of a...
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18 July 2023 News

The review of the EU’s F-gas Regulation: a legislative timeline

In 2020, the European Commission initiated the review of the F-gas Regulation which has been in force since 2015 and had been key to decreasing F-gas emissions and enabling industry to transition towa...
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15 June 2023 News


26 JUNE  2023 - World Refrigeration Day –  Cooling Matters, “World Refrigeration Day is a great opportunity for all of us to celebrate the tremendous contribution that refrigeration and air cond...
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15 June 2023 News

EEAP 2022: TFA conclusions and uncertainties

“The Montreal Protocol has led to the replacement of ODSs with fluorinated chemicals, some of which can undergo degradation in the atmosphere to give TFA in various yields. TFA is known to have a lo...
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15 June 2023 News

EEAP 2022: Human and environmental risks associated with TFA in the environment

Risks from exposure to TFA in terrestrial animals: EEAP 2022 described a report on the potential effects of TFA in mammals. “This was a report on the effects of exposure to TFA salts via drinking wa...
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15 June 2023 News

EEAP 2022: TFA emissions until 2100 from HFCs and HFOs

EEAP 2022 and SAP 2022 have the same forecasts for the global generation and deposition of TFA, based on the assumption that that 50% of the future emissions of low-GWP alternatives are related to HF...
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15 June 2023 News

EEAP 2022: TFA yields from HFCs and HFOs

EEAP 2022 reviewed the yields of TFA from individual compounds, estimated based on evaluations of the available literature. These are shown in the figure reproduced in part from EEAP 2022 . Error bars...
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15 June 2023 News

EEAP 2022: How should TFA be regulated

Extracts from EEAP 2022 Chapter 6: More recently, a majority of a panel of experts agreed that “all PFAS should not be grouped together, persistence alone is not sufficient for grouping PFAS for th...
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15 June 2023 News

Webinar on PFAS Universal Restriction Proposal hosted by EFCTC

On 23rd May EFCTC hosted a webinar on the universal PFAS restriction proposal and its possible impact on F-gases. Presentations by the Norwegian Environment Agency, ECHA, EPEE and the foam sector p...
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13 June 2023 News

EFCTC response to EURACTIV article

Reacting to the recent article in EURACTIV “Key EU lawmaker: Europe ‘needs to stay ahead of the game’ on heat pump manufacturing”, EFCTC would like to emphasize that propane is not a ‘natura...
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05 May 2023 News


15-18 MAY 2023 – The 14th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2023 – Chicago USA Heat Pump Conference 2023 (   8–9 JUNE 2023 - 20th UNEP-IIR-CSG European Conference, The Latest Te...
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05 May 2023 News

Award winning industrial heating and cooling system based on HFO-1234ze(E) chiller

An inverter high efficiency centrifugal chiller using HFO-1234ze(E) as the refrigerant, which was specially developed for low-temperature use for brine specification models, is the heat source for a b...
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05 May 2023 News

While most EU economic sectors saw emission increases in 2021, HFC emissions decreased

The EU National Inventory Report (NIR) for GHG emissions, published on the UNFCCC website, shows that total GHG emissions (including Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry, or LULUCF, and internationa...
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05 May 2023 News

Assessment of human health risks due to environmental exposures to TFA

A recently published hazard and risk assessment reviews the mammalian toxicity of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and human exposure to assess the margin of exposures (MoE) (see note 1). The publication is...
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