
05 May 2023 News

Trialogue negotiation on F-Gas Regulation: final text before the summer?

In an article for La Rpf – Revue Pratique du Froid, the AFCE (Alliance Froid Climatisation Environnement) suggested that a final text may emerge from the trialogue discussions before the summer, per...
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30 March 2023 Press Release

EFCTC statement on European Parliament Plenary vote on the F-gas Regulation review

Following the European Parliament Plenary vote on the F-Gas Regulation today, the European FluoroCarbons Technical Committee (EFCTC) members released a statement available in the attached file....
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15 March 2023 News

Centrifugal chillers using HFC & HFO refrigerants designed for optimum performance

Centrifugal chillers have long service lifetimes of typically 30 years and offer reliability and performance efficiency. HFC and HFO based refrigerants are widely used due to their technical and safet...
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15 March 2023 News

An Inventory of Fluorspar Production, Industrial Use, and Emissions of Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) in the Period 1930 to 1999

An inventory has been published for the period of 1930-1999 accounting for most of the fluorspar production (86%) and estimating emissions of TFA. Industrial emissions of TFA are estimated as 230,000...
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15 March 2023 News


MARCH 20-22, 2023 – The 26th European Cold Chain Conference – Barcelona, Spain European Cold Chain Conference | Global Cold Chain Alliance (   APRIL 4-6, 2023 – HFO2023,...
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15 March 2023 News

Scientific Assessment 2022: TFA Summary

The Scientific Assessment 2022 Report in its Executive Summary and Chapter summaries provides its current conclusions for trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) emissions and environmental effects. Some conclusio...
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15 March 2023 News

Global and European HFC reported emissions compared to emissions derived from atmospheric monitoring

The Scientific Assessment 2022 Report (SAP2022, available here) provides revised forecasts for HFC emissions and compares reported global and regional emissions to these estimated from atmospheric mon...
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15 March 2023 News

PFAS Restriction Proposal – some initial observations

EFCTC published a press release about the proposal for a universal PFAS restriction, which will likely impact certain F-gases. Extensive documentation has been provided provided by the dossier submitt...
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15 March 2023 News

ENVI F-gas Revision unrealistic according to industry trade associations

In advance of the vote in the European Parliament’s Environment (ENVI) Committee, trade associations called on the Committee to reject amendments which would ban F-gases, explaining that the amendme...
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13 February 2023 News


(UPDATED) MARCH 6 - 8, 2023 – ASHRAE and SCANVAC HVAC Cold Climate Conference 2023 – Anchorage, Alaska, USA ASHRAE and SCANVAC HVAC Cold Climate Conference 2023 |   MA...
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13 February 2023 News

Learn more about EFCTC’s Regulatory Management Option Analysis (RMOA) for F-gases falling under the scope of the PFAS restriction proposal

EFCTC has commissioned the independent consultant Ricardo Energy & Environment to undertake a Regulatory Management Options Analysis (RMOA) on eight F-gases to collect information in the context...
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13 February 2023 News

Update on the PFAS restriction process

  Following the submission to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) of the proposal for a REACH restriction of PFAS, the tentative timing of the restriction process has been published on the EC...
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13 February 2023 News

Czech Republic hosted the first face-to-face EFCTC Enforcement seminar on the illegal trade of HFCs

On the 7th of December 2022, EFCTC organized a face-to-face seminar in the Czech Republic, which held the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from June to December 2022. The topic of the e...
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13 February 2023 News

OzonAction’s Montreal Protocol Network for Europe and Central Asia (ECA network) rewards OLAF for tackling illicit imports of HFCs

Illicit trade is one of the biggest policy challenges worldwide undermining the achievement of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and exposing consumers unregulated and unsafe products. In...
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13 February 2023 News

F-gas proposal continues to generate diverse positions on feasibility

The Parliament committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) recognises industry concerns about the effects of the more rapid phase-down of HFCs in the Commission F-gas proposal. Rapporteur Sara S...
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13 February 2023 News

Range of HFCs/HFOs/HCFOs used for different heat pump requirements

Heat pumps use a range of HFC/HFO/HCFOs refrigerants to reliably and efficiently generate space heating and hot water for different commercial and industrial applications. The combination of refrigera...
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13 February 2023 News

F-Gas Regulation: Continued decrease in average Global Warming Potential of F-gas refrigerants

The EU introduced a HFC cap and the adoption of lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) F-gases in 2015. Since then, the average GWP, calculated from reported CO2e tonnes and metric tonnes, of all HFCs,...
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09 February 2023 Press Release

ECHA publishes document on proposal for a universal PFAS restriction – certain F-gases to be impacted by upcoming restriction

EFCTC notes the publication of the documents relative to the proposal for a universal REACH restriction of PFAS and the inclusion of applications that use certain F-gases. EFCTC welcomes the openne...
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21 December 2022 News


In 2022, EFCTC has commissioned the consulting company Ricardo to undertake an independent Socio-Economic Analysis (SEA) of the contribution of certain fluorinated gases (F-gases) to the economy and t...
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15 November 2022 News


(UPDATED) DECEMBER 1, 2022 – Beyond Refrigeration – Next Steps for the Future of Low Carbon RACHP – Birmingham, UK Beyond Refrigeration - Next Steps for the Future of Low Carbon RACHP (io...
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15 November 2022 News

HFCs and HFOs: large systems cooling people and warming fruit as it grows

HFC and HFO refrigerants are ideal for large scale systems due to their good balance of safety and performance properties. District heating and cooling can significantly improve energy efficiency and...
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14 November 2022 News

Low GWP A2L refrigerant R-455A selected for supermarket cold store in France

The selection of moderately flammable A2L refrigerant R-455A with a GWP of 146 for a French supermarket cold store helps ensure that the retailer meets the F-gas Regulation requirements to adopt lower...
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14 November 2022 News

Life cycle refrigerant management report encourages better containment, following Europe’s lead

The report, “The 90 Billion Ton Opportunity: Lifecycle Refrigerant Management”, lays out how minimising leaks and maximising reclaim can avoid up to 91 billion metric tonnes CO2-eq emissions. Focu...
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14 November 2022 News

HFCs and HFOs: large systems cooling people and warming growing fruit

HFC and HFO refrigerants are ideal for large scale systems due to their good balance of safety and performance properties. District heating and cooling can significantly improve energy efficiency and...
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